Exploiting Dysfunction

Cephalic Carnage

Exploiting Dysfunction

Format MP3
Genre(s) Metal
Released 2000
Updated March 23rd, 2014
#7 for 2000
Track Title Rating Last Listen
Warm Hand On A Cold Night (A Tale Of Onesomes) - 12/3/2020
Exploiting Dyfunction - 12/22/2020
Hybrid - 7/27/2022
Driven to Insanity - 7/27/2022
Rehab - 7/27/2022
Observer to the Obliteration of Planet Earth - 7/27/2022
On Six - 7/27/2022
Gracias - 7/27/2022
Cryptosporidium - 7/27/2022
The Balad of Moon - 7/27/2022
9' of Smoke - 7/27/2022
Warm Hand on a Cold Night - A tale of onesomes - 7/27/2022
Invertus Indica - the Marijuana Convictions - 5/7/2024
Molestandos Plantas Muertos! - 9/15/2022
Eradicate Authority - 9/15/2022
Paralyzed by Fear - 7/27/2022

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