
Format LP
Genre(s) Post-rock, Punk
Released 1982
Updated March 23rd, 2014
Track Title Rating Last Listen
Laugh the World Away [*] - 1/29/2021
Secrets - 12/7/2021
Train - 12/7/2021
Trem Two - 12/7/2021
Dead Pool - 12/7/2021
Learn How - 12/7/2021
Mica - 12/7/2021
Weatherbox - 12/7/2021
The Ballad of Johnny Burma - 12/7/2021
Einstein's Day - 12/7/2021
Fun World - 12/7/2021
That's How I Escaped My Certain Fate - 8/6/2022
Laugh the World Away - 12/7/2021
Forget - 12/7/2021
Progress - 12/7/2021
OK/No Way - 12/7/2021

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