Violent Femmes

Violent Femmes

Violent Femmes

Format LP
Genre(s) Rock, Acoustic
Released 1983
Updated July 21st, 2020
#1 for 1983
Somehow both very much a product of its time, and completely timeless. So many great songs here. Impossible to imitate, even for the Femmes themselves, unfortunately...
Track Title Rating Last Listen
Track 10 - 10/25/2020
Blister In The Sun - 4/3/2023
Kiss Off - 6/14/2024
Please Do Not Go - 4/3/2023
Add It Up - 4/3/2023
Confessions - 4/3/2023
Prove My Love - 4/3/2023
Promise - 4/3/2023
To The Kill - 4/3/2023
Gone Daddy Gone - 4/3/2023
Good Feeling - 4/3/2023
Ugly - 1983 Rough Trade UK Single - 4/3/2023
Gimme The Car - 1983 Rough Trade UK Single - 4/4/2023

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