The Rebel Sound Of Shit And Failure

Born Against

The Rebel Sound Of Shit And Failure

Format CD
Genre(s) Hardcore
Released 1995
Updated January 26th, 2020
Track Title Rating Last Listen
Born Again - 10/31/2020
The Good Father - 6/15/2022
Mary And Child - 6/20/2024
The Nail That Sticks Up Gets Hammered Down - 6/15/2022
Resist Control - 6/3/2024
Half Mast - 6/3/2024
Xmas Eve - 6/3/2024
Lillian - 6/15/2022
Janelle - 6/15/2022
Go Fuck Yourself - 6/15/2022
Five Dollars An Hour - 6/15/2022

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