The Problem With Me


The Problem With Me

Format LP
Genre(s) Indie
Released 1993
Updated January 21st, 2022
#1 for 1993

Rainy day music sure to dampen even the sunniest of Summer days. This is the best kind of Emo because it's not Emo at all. Just sad music put together quite nicely.

Track Title Rating Last Listen
Rafael - 12/23/2023
Bunch - 12/23/2023
Road to Madrid - 8/7/2022
Stage 2000 - 12/23/2023
Sweet Pea - 12/23/2023
Dust and Turpentine - 8/7/2022
Something's Burning - 8/7/2022
The Wild Cat - 8/7/2022
Autopilot - 8/7/2022

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