What's Old Is New Again

July 20th, 2012

lizard in hand

When I completed my service as a Peace Corps volunteer, I also decided to retire the website I maintained during that time, putting the posts I'd made during those two years behind me. Those posts were always available, but in a clunky format and well hidden. Maybe I was trying to put some distance between me and them at the time but now it just seems like a shame to have them hidden away. For that reason, I've incorporated those posts into the current site's structure.

The easiest way to read about my time in the Peace Corps is to go to the articles page and scroll down a bit. Any post dated 1/21/2008 or earlier was imported from my old Dominican Republic blog. When I finally get a post category/tagging system put together, I'll have them grouped for easier reading.

A good place to start (if not at the beginning) would be with one or both of the lengthier articles I wrote at around the midpoint of my Peace Corps service:

Related Articles

Jan 21st, 2008

Dec 4th, 2007

Oct 18th, 2007

Oct 17th, 2007

Sep 16th, 2007

Jul 10th, 2007

Jun 1st, 2007

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